
Friday, September 25, 2020

Technology (food)

Hello readers

For the pass few weeks in Technology (food) we have been taste testing and making boxes and muesli bar for athletics day at our school. In my group we have been doing our box, it took a long to trace, cut, glue and decorate it but we got it in the end finally, we're proud for what we did even though it took a long time, we're still proud.  

This is our box that my group made.

Calendar art

 Hello guys

For the pass few weeks we have been doing calendar art and there was three choices, one of those choices was dot art and i picked dot art. We have been doing dot art and it was tricky so some people changed into the other two choices.

Dot was mostly tricky, also the other people thought it was tricky when we chose dot art then . . . we got used to it we did a draft and a practice then we got to the black paper. We started painting for the dots we used cotton buds, after we we're done painting we had to blog about it. 

This was mine.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Hey readers

For the pass few weeks in homerooms we have been doing measuring and capacity in maths, we have been measuring cups, we had to pour the water into the cups bottom to top and to measure them we used a measuring cup. There was a cup that was a wine glass in my group, it was really hard cause we didn't know how to hold it but at least we didn't spill too much.

After that we had to blog what we did, this is my one.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Making sentences better

 Hello, today in writing we did a making sentences better google drawing, we had to make sentences with the girl ran,it was really tricky but i got it at the end, this is what we did.